NOTICE: This information is provided pursuant to the requirements of California Health & Safety Code, Section 119402, which requires pharmaceutical companies doing business in California to make available their Compliance Program and annual written declaration of compliance with the Compliance Program.
Section 119402 of the California Health & Safety Code requires a pharmaceutical company to adopt a Compliance Program that is in accordance with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General’s (“OIG”) “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers,”, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (“PhRMA”) Code and the Advanced Medical Technology Association (“AdvaMed”) Code of Ethics On Interactions With Health Care Professionals. To this end, the Company has adopted and is implementing a Compliance Program that it believes is consistent with a reasonable interpretation of the OIG Compliance Guidance and the PhRMA Code. To request a copy of the Mobius Therapeutics, LLC Compliance Program Overview, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-314-615-6930 or submit an e-mail to The overview can also be obtained from our website at
To the best of its knowledge and based upon a good faith understanding of the California statutory requirements, the Company declares that it is in material compliance with both its Compliance Program and Section 119402 of the California Health and Safety Code as of December 1, 2017.
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