What is Sub-Tenon’s Block?
A sub-Tenon’s block (STB) administered using either a needle or cannula provides high-quality anesthesia of the whole globe using relatively small volumes (eg, 1.25-5 mL). The addition of hyaluronidase in STB has been studied in varying combinations across six randomized, prospective, controlled studies encompassing more than 550 patients.
Testing the addition of hyaluronidase to STB has been conducted using assorted local anesthesia combinations and doses of hyaluronidase (ranging from 15- 150 IU/mL). End points included akinesia, induction time, volume of local anesthetic, and quality of the block. Hyaluronidase addition to STB generally resulted in improved akinesia and was well tolerated. Although there was a wide range of hyaluronidase doses used and a lack of dose-response data, the studies demonstrate that doses between 15 and 150 IU/mL can provide benefit when used in STB.
WA-011 Rev 01/2018